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What is RMS Mix ® ?

RMS Mix ® is a powerful and easy to use new tool that gives you the ability to play complete and full orchestrations for many musicals with just a simple press of a button. There is no need to set tempos or micro-manage every aspect of the performance. Once the software is installed and set up, you simply press play and the song will play through from beginning to end (while still allowing for the ability to manage vamping, and quick navigation to specific spots in the music by the use of markers).

As you begin to familiarize yourself with RMS Mix ® , we are certain you will appreciate just how easy it is to use, while still allowing for powerful customization if your production requires it.

Why RMS Mix ® ?

Take Sinfonia ® and RMS Coach ® on the go

If you are a user of our other programs, you can appreciate the high degree of customizability and power that the desktop software provides. But one of the best features of RMS Mix ® is that it is available for mobile operating systems! RMS Mix ® is currently available for both iOS and Andriod operating systems, as well as Mac/PC.

In addition to being able to use pre-configured tracks for a show, one of the benefits of RMS Mix ® is that it allows users of RMS Coach ® and Sinfonia ® to export their currently saved show (including any changes you have made to the structure of the music, such as key changes, cuts, vamps and repeats) and load that version into RMS Mix ® . So you (and all members of your production) can have a complete version of the accompaniment for your show available as an easy-to-use mobile app.

Even if you are using Sinfonia ® to provide live accompaniment for a production or RMS Coach ® to teach the parts, with RMS Mix ® your performers can have a very simple way to practice alongside the accompaniment without needing to do anything beyond pushing "play".

For when you want a track solution for your production

Not all productions have the resources or ability to use live music. RMS Mix ® gives you a very simple backing track solution so that your performers and audience can still experience the incredible sound that a full orchestration can provide, without the need to micro-manage.

Building on our ever-expanding catalogue of shows available to Sinfonia ® , RMS Mix ® provides a one-stop solution for backing tracks while still maintaining the high standard of quality we have provided for years. In addition, because RMS Mix ® is software (as opposed to CD or mp3-based alternatives), it is still capable of handling vamps within the music so neither you nor your actors have to worry about timing out dialogue to specific lengths of underscoring!